Feedbacks. Seite 10 von 10
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Nice dress, fits perfectly. Great comunication! Thx
ArmStreet team:
Thank you very much for doing this feedback and great order!
Received my Combat Medieval Gauntlets about a month ago. I had to make a few modifications to the thumb, but overall it was solid piece of entry level armor. Great value for the money! I have fought in them on two occasions now, and they perform well.
ArmStreet team:
Thank you Dan for your review! Welcome again!
As always, the clothing is beautifully made and is a joy to wear
ArmStreet team:
Thank you! Welcome again!
Tim Stinnett:
MEDIEVAL HELM HELMET FANTASY BARBUTA I love this it,s well made and fits great :) Thanks for haveing a great product like this.
ArmStreet team :
Thanks, Tim. Great feedback!
John O'Mara:
Great item, thanks! a little trouble keeping the belt secure but once you're used to it it's excellent! Thanks again!
ArmStreet team:
Some things are out of our control, but we are doing EVERYTHING to fix any troubles
Megan Walts:
Very happy with ArmStreet's bracers for my husband. Thank you!
ArmStreet team:
You are welcome!